Following are the links navigating to the terms. These links are formed from the first letter of terms.

Following are the links navigating to the acronyms. These links are formed from the first letter of acronyms.

This is a search box. It can be used to search terms, definitions and acronyms.
Advanced Search

Search Results

Your search returned no records. See search tips for advanced search below.

Search Tips

Use "Term," "Acronym," or "Definition" followed by a colon to refine the search. Use quotes around phrases.

Example: [Term:"Funding Plan"]

Wildcard searches

For single character wildcard use "?".

Example: [NI?] Returns NIH

For multiple character wildcard use "*".

Example: [CG*] Returns CGEMS and CGAP

For fuzzy wildcard use "~".

Example: [debrief~] Returns words with approximately similar spelling

Range searches

For a range of entries use "TO".

Example: [AB TO ACF] Returns entries between AB and ACF

Boolean operators

  • OR: The OR operator returns matches where either of two terms exist in a term, definition, or description.
  • AND: The AND operator returns matches where both terms exist in a term, definition, or description.
  • NOT: The NOT operator excludes words or phrases that contain the term, acronym, or phrase after NOT.
  • + : Term, acronym, or phrase after the "+" symbol must exist to return any result.
  • - : Excludes results where the term, acronym, or phrase follows the "-" symbol.
Note: OR, AND, NOT must be all uppercase.


Use parentheses to group terms and phrases.

Example: [(NIH and meeting)]